Monday 24 September 2012

You seriously gotta feel for Liverpool haha!

Hallo mates! Ill be here for just a short while to underline a few things. Well to start off, Manchester United has won at Anfield after quite some time :DD And I just had to miss the match to go listen to a certain speech. -________- Guess who made me? lol but the result was what I had exactly wanted. Maybe we didn't play as well as we could have or deserve it but we needed the result. Besides, some Reds were shooting off their mouths lately and I thought they needed a nice, big cup of STFU for the time being. And I thought our dear neighbours were the noisy ones. Still noisy even now, the reds. Ah the referees...the FA...the weather...Sir Alex...the pitch...the wind...Santa Claus...aliens... Excuses, excuses tsk tsk. Liverpool dominated for 45 minutes yet they produced nothing. Cue 1000 comments whining about the ref. Cut the guy some slack for goodness sake. Everybody makes mistakes and when a ref does it during a Manchester United match, suddenly he's a new player for them.  And Halsey not fit to referee? He beat cancer to do it. Period! But I have to agree after seeing the highlights. Even as a United fan, that was daylight robbery. The three points we don't deserve.

In every single game that I’ve watched United, they’ve been dreadful. Except maybe that second half last week against Wigan I guess. Yet here they are with four wins out of five. How do they do it? It’s truly baffling. Must be psychological. Other teams must already be half-beaten when they face them.

Or, to quote Sun Tzu (and reach new heights/depths of pretentiousness) “Every battle is won or lost before it’s fought”

But still SAF, please buy a midfielder or two. We just sucked today. Imagine Sterling outperforming everyone from our team despite being only 17. Thats just sad.

And it was nice to see the booing of Evra still continue. Who was the racist again?
Also Liverpool demanded respect from Manchester United all week and got it today and then what 
happens,Liverpool fans start making aeroplane gestures.Yet again Liverpool let themselves down. So all in all, they kinda deserved what they got.

By the way Scholes was immense again when I saw the highlights. I truly am dreading the day he finally retires. We're gonna lose a hell of a player. And I'm not gonna talk about old Fergie retiring yet lol. Overall it was a poor performance but a great result. That's justice for ya. I heard some funny things though. Things like 17 years old kid Raheem Sterling having more kids than Liverpool has points so far this season and Arsenal, Manchester United winning more games at Anfield than Liverpool themselves haha. But really, cut the club some slack. They have a new manager and only two strikers. And zero luck so far. They just need time to get things moving. Hope Brendan is not sacked or something like that. They just need to take a leap of faith or die filled with regrets. Took that from Inception haha. Great movie. And speaking about movies, I just watched one two days before that completely blew me away. Fight Club. Man oh man! I'll just have to talk about it sometime else. :) Got one big match going on now. City vs Arsenal. It was half time that's why I came here. Well spent 15 minutes eh?? :))

Gotta go. Thanks Rafael and Van Persie and uh well thanks ref lol for making my day. :D Here's to more happy weekends. Cheers! 

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