Wednesday 16 May 2012

Here's a quickie.

Guess what? Today I woke up early. Real early! Like around 7 for some reason. Naturally, I tried to sway back to dreamland but I couldn't sleep. So I spruced up myself clean and fresh and had my breakfast, after so long. Normally, I'll only wake up in time for lunch so that was a lil awkward lol. As I was pondering on things to do for the day- several in my mind, it suddenly started pouring down. I couldn't belive my eyes! Of all the days! And at that very moment my eyes started to close and I felt real sleepy. Damn! It always happens when it rains! And here I thought I could at least be productive for once. Is that wrong  Mommy Earth? -___-

Soo at around 10 I went back to bed, slept like a baby and just got up moments ago. Pfft what a total waste of a day. I thought it was a waste since I woke up so early. I could have found cure to cancer! Or I could have invented something like a time-machine. Guess that was not to be haha! Anyways I'm going out for a movie later with my pals so today's not going to be so wasteful after all. Be back later. Got something interesting in my mind to spill out ;)

Cheerio! :)

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